I can't believe that it's been 6 weeks since we started and now WE ARE DONE!

First of all, I would like to thank our ever gracious host who has been so supportive and have given us a very awesome platform for our projects, LINDA from "Calling it Home"!

I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart. I don't think I'll have the energy, drive and extra motivation if not for your ONE ROOM CHALLENGE LINK PARTY!
Though, a bit exhausted, I am definitely looking forward to the next one!

After seeing ALL THE REVEALS yesterday, I must admit, I suddenly went into panic mode about my own reveal!!!

Everyone did so fabulously in their respective spaces that I can't help feel a wee-bit inferior! LOL!:-)

But I have to show off my work right? Fabulous or not, it was WORK that I and my hubs did for our young man and we are still mighty proud.

Ok,  enuf said and I'll let the pictures do the talking!!!!

Let's start with the Dormer / Reading Nook...

Cozy Reading spot

Favorite books of both boys displayed on a picture ledge

More floating shelves on the corner

Floor cushions for extra seating

The Main bedroom

As you can see, I moved the bed on the right wall instead of the back wall. My son loves it better this way too since he can jump into bed straight away according to him! :-)

Sleek stripes and filled with the things my son loves fill this space

My two DIY updates flank both sides of the bed
Bed area

Yup, He loves Tolkien
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Simple vignette above including his Vintage Goofy phone, Acupunture man I gave him for his birthday, one of the globes atop books, framed certificate and a picture with his brother in a Threshold frame

TheHacked Lack holds water carafe,  vintage collapsible cup & Bugs coin bank

The Study Area

Learning really tops the list of priorities for us parents right?

Desk area
L.EA.R.N. Cork board, magnetic wipe board from IKEA, Clip board & Typography art from TJ maxi, Magnetized wall organizer from TARGET. Lamp was a yard sale find years ago.
Had to add the Mine Craft poster - my son chose it for the space. But with the way kids change their minds on things that are "cool", I did not bother framing it

The Lounging Area

Got the Futon on clearance last year at Target

Perfect area for his friends during sleep overs
I know this looks a bit chaotic ...

I truly like how this wall ended up looking. 
I hung all the things that my son loves and should be proud of. From art works to important academic certificates, Middle Earth map, Batarang and Union Jack for his allegiance to J.R.R. Tolkien!

Gallery wall behind the TV

I added the Fauxidermy (that's a whole other post all together) as an ode to the South where we live and of course the "No Whining" sign! 

No gaming consoles here, that stays in the family room in the basement.
The drum side tables and lamps were all from TARGET clearance I bought last year.

I showed you these bookcases before but clearly, in any room, storage is necessary and for boys, styling them was a bit tricky.
References, Nat Geo magazines, photo albums and other
school paraphernalia are on this one
Collections and other fun books  and games on this book case

Yes, it was a real sword you saw - GLAMDRING, the sword of Gandalf
from the Lord of the Rings (don't worry this is usually in chains and lock for safety)

Overall we're all very happy with this space

But most of all, our son Nio is too!


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