GUEST POST: Fallifying Your Home with Beautiful Fall Decor

Hello Friends! 

I am so glad to share with you a wonderful post written by Jessica Christian from 4 Interior Design from the U.K.!
She calls herself an 'Official Home Decor Worshiper", which I think many of us can relate to right?! 
So before Thanksgiving hits, I know this post can further enhance your decor for a pretty perfect home for Fall!

It is time to get your décor ready for fall and the winter that is shortly to follow. If you find the thought of the cold, grey months ahead to be daunting, take steps today to make small, but significant changes to your décor to ensure that you breeze through the darkest, most miserable months of the year without too much stress.

Pot Plants
Change your plants around, making sure that fragile plants are kept inside where it's warm. There are several species of plants that cope well with a bit of frost, and these are the ones to use on chilly windowsills and on balconies or verandas. Be shameless when choosing your plants, and make sure that you pick plants that flower willingly and have attractive-looking leaves. The less frost-friendly plants can be moved into the dining room or living room, where their winter foliage will add a lovely splash of nature to the room. 


Autumn Wreath

An autumn wreath has become something of a tradition in interior décor circles. You can hang it on your front door or display the wreath in pride of place on the mantelpiece where it will be safe from inclement weather. If you are making your own autumn wreath be sure to include nuts, seeds and berries along with the gloriously colorful autumn leaves. This nod to the harvest will make your wreath seem so much more complete and attractive. Make your wreath a celebration of everything that is best about this time of year to help stave off the blues that can affect us all at the beginning of the cold season. 

Bright and Warm
Change your lamps or at least your lamp shades seasonally. While dimmer bulbs and cool coloured shades are excellent for summer and spring, we humans operate better with access to brighter light in winter. Switching to lamp shades in warmer colours changes the atmosphere within the room, discernibly making it seem physically warmer! Cool crisp cotton throws that work well in summer can be exchanged for lovely thick fluffy blankets that are perfect for snuggling under to watch seasonal movies with the family! Different throws and even cushions can make a difference to a fall-ready living room, bringing it together and providing good defenses against chilly grey days. 

Colours make an enormous difference to any room, especially if the room is has a neutral base. For summer, bright pink, lemon yellow and vivid bright green make a cool but cheerful and attractive display, while spring is all about pinks and blues. For autumn, choose the colours of fire: flame red, blaze orange and soft, honey yellow, set against warm chocolate brown and charcoal black. Winter speaks of ice blue, pure white, jet black and tiny sparkles of colour. Get your décor falling into autumn by introducing metallic notes, muted colours like mustard yellow, dusky pink and powder blue, and perhaps even start hinting towards Christmas by bringing out the gold, red and green decorations!

The sooner your home is ready for cold weather and indoor pursuits, the sooner you will feel able to cope with the cold, grey season. Embrace fall and winter this season and you will soon find that there is nothing to fear from the cyclical changing of the seasons!

Don't you agree? Color, plants and lots of coziness can definitely make your home all set for Fall and Winter! 

Thank you again Jessica for this wonderful post! Please do Check out her awesome blog, 4 INTERIOR DESIGN!

Have a Fabulous Weekend Everyone!


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