My Bag Storage Make-over

Like any girl, I am sure you are at a dilemma on how to store you bags properly. In the "Dream" world, our closets would look like this...
From google images

From google images

But alas,  most of us have to deal with wire shelving and a mess like this... or like mine rather...


Fortunately, I was able to come up with a way to fix the mess above, and came up with this...

Order at last!

I placed old throw pillows and sheets inside the bags to let it stand upright. Then I added these...

New purpose for an old staple..

Hence the bags at the back end are clearly seen. Underneath those bags at the back, this is what you'll find...

Formal Clutch

My new Fave -  Aranaz Clutch

Another way I sorted things out was I placed some bags within a bag, like this...

More storage

For the other side of MY closet, I placed my travel bags and boxed some of the bags I don't use for the season (e.g. summer bags, straw bags, etc.)

Travel bags

Other bags not used

Of course, since I share the closet with my hubby, I can't very well fix my end without fixing his end?! That is, the top part at least... :-)


Take note we even have a Be be gun atop!
I don't know where everything is

Seasonal Clothing all tucked away
I used MUJI storage bags I bought from the Philippines

Better I think...

Now, if I can only fix the rest of it... :-)



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