Mint 2 Review

It's been 3 months or so since we got our little "Inday" to help us with one of the most grueling household tasks.. floor cleaning.

And I must give this a 4 star rating!!!

Yes, we love the MINT 2 and it is definitely (at least for us) worth the money. We love that it really does what is says it will do, clean our floors wet or dry, it does its jobs without any complaints ( of course!) or problems. The only drawback I guess it that after one run, we usually need to re-charge this baby and I wish the cleaning head is a little bigger so it can do it's job faster. But all this inconvenience is still nothing compared the the amount of time and energy it saves us.

If your interested in trying out this baby, check out this link from Amazon! We usually buy our gadgets from amazon since returns are always easy.



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