A Tween Halloween Birthday

Transitions are always difficult. Wether your moving from one place to another or going thru a new phase in life, it always brings it's own certain challenges.

Particularly, the transition from a child to teen, a.k.a. TWEEN YEARS.

Yes, I have to accept that, my 12 year old is in such a phase. And for a mom, I walk the fine line of treating everything about him, to be not too child-like and not too teen-like yet.

And so when he suddenly blurted out 3 weeks ago that he wanted to "hang-out" and have a "small party" for his friends and classmates, I had to treat the matter delicately just like him and his "transition".

Here is what I eventually came up with...


Subtle Halloween Birthday

With just purple lights on

Party Crepes on the wall with wall stickers from TARGET

Party Place

Dance/Party/Hang-out area

Lighted balloons from WALMART

Guest table simple centerpiece
Spiders on the wall

Pre-party game
Cupcakes instead of Birthday Cake

Edible jelly creatures
We also had pizza and whole bunch of fruits!


Prizes appealing to tweens??!!

Goody Bags still welcome no matter the age


It was a successful party overall since all the kids had a blast most especially my son. He thanked me at the end of the party while I was cleaning up, I knew then, I was able to give him the kind of party he wanted - fun, happy, and fit for a tween!

Have a Great Week!

P.S. All bragging aside, I did this in 1 day - I was in post-Madonna mode ( just saw her the night before and got home at 3 am - was like a walking zombie by nightfall)  and I guess it gave me the "groove" to just Do it! LOL!!!!


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