Books, books everywhere

I am a book lover by nature.

I mean, I love books literally but also figuratively.

I use them a lot in decorating our home.

Aside from my book collections on display in our living room. We stil have a lot more in our office, our bedroom and even in the kids rooms. We are lucky that our kids have started their love of books early. We give books to them as gifts more than toys and they love it! Books takes you to place beyond your wildest imagination, and makes you think about anything and everything around you.

In design though, to quote NATE BERKUS, " Books are one of the best accessories for your home". Take a look at these clever uses of books in these homes...

As an actual side table...

As a decorative object...

Something to put IN your fireplace... just don't light 'em up :-)

All covered and nice as part of a big shelf vignette...

Displaying it IN your china cabinet in the Dining/reading room....

A lot of people have also used books or rather, it's parts, in some other clever ways...

The pages as wallpaper! Brilliant!

Or books as an inspiration for a wallpaper!

Using old covers as a headboard!
If you are a collector, there are so many ways of displaying them as well. Here are two of my faves....

Stacking 'em up high like big gian totem poles! Just watch out, make sure they don't topple on your noggin'!

Displaying them like works of art - very good for those awesome Designer coffeetable books
I started collecting what I call "Beauty Books" since last year. I call them such because I bought them mainly for what they look like - they are just Beatuiful books, I'm sure you agree with these PENGUIN CLASSICS...

Love those binding!

I have read some of them but not yet all of them, I feel like they'll be easier to read because they are aesthetically pleasing to look at too (crazy?! Yeah, I agree)!

I also collect Fashion Designer books - aside from the fact that they look good, they are also grogeous inside. Here are some of the titles I currently have...

Fashion Book Collection

I still have a long way to go as far as completing my collections, but in the meantime, they are put to good use around my home as decorative objects.

Isn't Elly cute standing atop Dior?! :-)

Part of our Media Center

Gotta love Hermes! And the pictures of the scarves inside are good enough to frame too!

 Hope this gives you some idea how to incorporate books into your own decor!!!!  So bring those books out of the shelf and start displaying  and using them all around the house. :-)

Have a great Week!!!!


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