Christmas Mantle/Fireplace 2011

Confession: I really DON'T like our fireplace.

When we bought our house, we loved almost every bit of it, but not this part. It was just not our style. Brick and glass blocks are just not like tea and honey together for us. But anyways, we're stuck with it until we have enough budget to demolish or renovate it eventually.

So this holiday season, since I have always wanted to hang stockings on the mantle, I decorated it. And this is how it looks....

Pwede na...

Added geo-mesh and ribbon same as in the Tree

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I added my small mercury glass collection and placed my dollar store reindeer stocking holders. The wreath is from "Michaels" bought back in 2006. The stockings were from "the Land of Nod" on clearance bought years back. The only new thing is the monogram pins from Target.

I guess with the big plus of being able to hang our stockings, the fireplace ain't that bad after all. But then again, I have BIG plans for this part of the house. 

Have a happy Christmas everyone!


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