Welcome to Me!!!!

Finally, after months of contemplating, I am launching my very own blog!!!!!

Woohoo! Yippee!!! Wooppeedooo!! Hurrah!!! Hurray!!! Mabuhay!!!!

I'm really not sure what I want to accomplish or do with this thing, but what I know for sure is that I want this to be like an online journal of my thoughts, ideas ( lots of online photos for sure), and everything I love ( or maybe not so much love) about my life ( and others).  I know someday, when my kids are old enough ( or interested enough)

Loves of my life - yes, including Woody and Buzz :-)

there's a possibility that they'll read this. And so, I want them to know that their mom was not just "a Mom" or a "honey" to their dad, or a "Dr. Criste" to her patients, but also her own person, with lots of zest for life, strong interests (and obsessions on home decorating) and most of all, I hope this blog will be a manifesto of what I hope, will be a continually good, happy and blessed life!!!!!!

Wish me luck!!!!!!!


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