I'm one of those people who just goes full throttle,,,,not slowing down or stopping until I run out of gas, or hit the wall,,,,burn out,,,,whatever you wanna call it, then I shut right down. When this happens I go into serious idle mode and do absolutely nothing at all - this usually involves falling hard into a marathon sleep session,,,spending days in bed. I could easily sleep around the clock, I've always been a big sleeper and if I go long periods of time without the occassional big sleep, I'll eventually just crash. My love of a good sleep probably explains why I've become obsessed with bedding lately, there's nothing more luxurious and indulgent and comforting than a bed layered with soft plush linens.
Since I'm not quite fully out of my rest and rejuvination mode - I thought it would be a perfect time to share some of my favorite images from the LIV by Au Lit website that reflect the essence of this mood perfectly!
You can also keep up to date on all the newest arrivals at the store by visiting the LIV Blog
All Photos: LIVbyaulit.com
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