Thankful for a lot of things...

I had 3 surprises this week that I just wanted to share with you all.

First, I got these...

Beautiful painted Milk glass plates

Isn't it gorgeous?
My friend Luisa went antiquing and saw these beauts and knowing how much of 'sucker' I am for milk glass, she grabbed them for me along with a cute milk glass basket too!
I've never seen anything like it before and I hope to find a place to display them properly.
Thank you my friend, so sweet!

Second, my loosing streak for blog contests finally broke and I won twice in a one week!

I joined the contest from...

And I won!!!! Ding - ding-ding-ding!!!!!!!

I got this beautiful hand-made herb box made from a reclaimed wine bottle crate!

I was planning to put small planters in and plant herbs in it of course, but since I didn't have time to do that yet, it now sits in my counter as my cookbook box!

Yup, What better way to start than with the Master, Julia Childs!

Thank you so much Khammany!
Aside from the prize arriving pronto, it was packaged so thoughtfully with a sprig of lavander tucked in the bow of the ribbon!

You can be a happy owner of the same box, just check out her ETSY shop, "Sweet Inspired Market"!

The Second prize I won cam from Lorie at...
I won a $100 Visa Gift card from the "Glidden My Colortopia" Contest!
Thank you so much again Lorie!!!!!

Lastly, the one thing that I am probably most thankful for this week was the safety of my Brother and his family back home.

You see, my home country, the Philippines was hit yesterday by a 7.2 magnitude earthquake, particularly in the province where my brother and his family lives!

I just found out a  few minutes ago as I write this post about this devastating news. Not a lot of casualties known yet and a lot of old churches destroyed...

Basilica de Sto. Nino
as well as other buildings ...

so sad

Luckily too, it was a national holiday and a lot o the buildings were empty and  that includes the Capitol building where my brother works at!

I am truly GRATEFUL!


Please check IT OUT if you have the time!


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