Thanksgiving Feast 2012

We celebrated Thanksgiving this year at our home once more, joined by 2 of our closest friends and their families. It was also made extra-special with my Mother's presence since this was her very 1st Thanksgiving ever (yes, we Filipinos do not have thanksgiving back in the Philippines)!

Let's start of with the kid's table...

Turkey-ful table
 I got most of the stuff from Target at 50% off after Halloween. The napkins though were from Walmart.

Paper Lanterns to set the mood

I also hung these paper lanterns (also from TARGET) to make the spce more festive for the kids. I love it so much, it's gonna stay up until the Holiday season is over! :-)

I used my gold-rimmed FireKing plates ( scored from an Antique Mall) and small glass goblets to make the table a bit more "serious" for the kids. I wanted them to feel that their table is just as special as the grown-ups table too.

Wha'ts on the Placemat

My Turkey Centerpiece

The Kiddie Feast

The kids had Sopas (macaroni noodle soup), Pinoy-style Spaghetti, Mashed potatoes, Chicken barbeque, Sweet Potatoe Pie and of course, Turkey. They had to eat first since some of the kids still needed assistance from their mommies. :-)

Our Kids all ready to eat their feast

Now for the Grown-ups table...

Before the food was ready...

With our feast ready

We gad Turkey of course, Chicken barbecue, Morcon (ground beef wrapped in sandwich steak with special sauce), Sopas, Camaron Rebosado (fried breaded shrimp) Rice, Mashed potatoes & Cranberry Relish.

Melon Juice, Sansrival and Brazo De Mercedes for Refreshment and Desserts

Simple plate setting

Picture before the meal

We all had a sumptous meal and a lot to be thankful for this past year. At the end of the meal, we made our yearly Souvenier ornament with all the things we we are thankful for writtin inside.

I also wanted to share with you some of our group photos taken on this very special day...

Kiddie group picture - Don't you notice how their clothes match?! Promise, we
parents never discussed what they were gonna wear! :-)

There you have it. We hope that you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and that next year, we will all have a lot to be thankful for again!!!!

Have a Nice day!!!


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