Hanger Hang-ups

Around 3 weeks ago, TARGET put their huggable hangers  on sale.

I remember a friend of mine (Hi Ann!), who's comment when she saw my closet was that I should change to these hangers ( I guess she saw how much of a pack rat I was and our closet is bursting at the seams with clothes). She warned me not to get the ones from TJ MAxx or Marshall's saying they were more flimsy.

So when the hangers went on sale - I said this was a "Sign" for me to upgrade!

And so we went from this...

Messy and tight

To this...

Hubby's side

My side

VERDICT : Before, I was not able to hang my skirts up here because the dresses took all the space. I had to put them at the bottom rack and usually, the hems would get dirty. After I switched, very true, more space in my closet! Yehey!

My skirts now in full view and with clean hems/edges

My tops arragned by color

Pants still need the new hangers :-(

Hubbys suits and office shirts now fit on one rod

Only one drawback from this huggable hangers - they truly do HUG your clothes quite well - and adjusting them once you put the hangers inside is a little difficult.

But overall, I am glad I made the switch. It is double the price the regular plastic ones come in, but I think, it's a worthwhile investment, since I have more space! Now, I just have to wait for the next sale to buy more hangers for the rest of our clothes!

Hope you have a Hang-up-Free day!


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