Goodbye baby...

Dear Baby,

I will miss you terribly...

I want to thank you, for making me and daddy sooo happy this last 2 months. Knowing you were here in our lives made life just seem extra special.

You were not even born yet but I already know how special you were knowing how you made me and everyone who loves you feel - just genuinely excited and happy.

So today, when I did not see your little heart moving on the ultrasound, my heart just broke into pieces... I could not help but cry and sob for I will not be able to hug you or kiss you or even more importantly, KNOW YOU even more....

People may say that 'it's ok, better it happen now than later', but you know what baby? It doesn't make any difference. From the moment I first saw you and heard your strong heart beat, the unfathomable bond between mother and child was made, it was set, right there and then, in the ultrasound room. No words can comfort or allay the sadness I feel right now...

Questions burn thru my heart and mind if I could have done anything to change the course of the inevitable...but being a physician myself, I actually know, that there wasn't. I actually think it better, I if I knew it was my fault somehow, and not just fate handing me a deadly blow...

I promise to not forget you baby and I know that somewhere in heaven, there is a special place for innocents like you.. Please watch over us always

I love you you always and forever...

From your one and only mommy


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